Way back when – back when PC’s were still young-ish and AAA-gaming was a little like indie gaming is today, there was a guy named Jordan Mechner. He wanted to make very visual, story-intense games. But the thing is, the hardware wasn’t quite at the point where he could do
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Spyro, The Dragon Review: Spyro, The Not So Magic Dragon
As a warning: if you love the original Spyro, The Dragon for Playstation, you may want to steer clear of this review. I wasn’t a huge fan and you’re probably just going to take umbrage. Now, on with the show. As I mentioned in my Banjo Kazooie Review, platformers are
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My comfort zone when it comes to video games extends to slow games. I like adventure games. I like turn based strategy games [assuming there aren’t a billion units]. I like turn based role playing games [assuming there isn’t a stupid ton of micromanagement]. So, platformers are generally right out.
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The word limbo conjures up very specific things in my mind. I was, at one point, Catholic and as a Catholic youngster, I ended up going to catechism. Catechism is a kind of class where they teach you about the Church, Jesus and the Saints. One of the topics we
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