Before you play it, you can’t help but wonder if you’re going to like it – exactly because of it’s differences – but once you have played it, you see the world just a little bit differently. The game opens new possibilities, new vistas. Loom’s story isn’t wholly original, but
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To The Moon Review: Memories Of The Way We Were
Last week, we talked a little about Brothers and games very like it. These titles are often experiences more than they are games. You get into them and you direct a protagonist, but you don’t do much actual video gaming: there’s no one to kill, there’s no score to beat
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This. This is the moment the King’s Quest series has been leading up to. Not 7 – because seven is an animated Disney travesty. And certainly not 8 – because 8 was just barely a King’s Quest at all. But this. This is – effectively, the series swan song. And
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So, I’m going to confess to something right away: I was intensely worried about replaying this game, twenty years along. I was worried about it because I’d played a bit [and got stuck] a couple of years ago. And I remembered the conversation with the Billy Goats Gruff. Essentially, it
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